Koski, K. (2024). Picnic methodology: rethinking multispecies relationships through alfresco meals. Human Geography, 0(0). |
Koski, K. (2023). Challenging animal-based food systems: Citizen surgery on vegan body simulators. Ruukku Studies in Artistic Research 20(1). |
Koski, K. (2022), “Permafrost Refreeze: The Reindeer Factor.” Journal of Embodied Research 5(1): 3 (18:45). DOI: |
Koski K, Ostherr K. (2022) Props in breaking bad news simulation. In: J. Nott and A. Harris (eds.) Making Sense of Medicine: Material Culture and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge. Intellect. |
Koski K. (2021) Citizen Surgery: A Framework For Uncanny Operations. Leonardo 2021; doi: |
Koski K, Ostherr K. (2021) Ambiguity and uncertainty in ‘breaking bad news’ simulation: lessons from standardized patients’ different personality types. Research and Humanities in Medical Education, 8:75-82. |
Koski K, Ostherr K. (2020) “I Guess I Didn’t Like That Word Unfortunately”: Standardized Patients’ Unscripted Techniques for Training Medical Students. Simulation in Healthcare. |
Koski K, Holst J. (2020) Conversations on Art-Science Collaboration and Vaccine-Hesitancy. Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, 11(2):71-85. |
Koski, K. (2019) “On whose side are you?”: Artist-researcher positionality in a global public health challenge. Nordic Journal for Artistic Research, 1(1). |
Koski, K., Lehto, JT. & Hakkarainen, K. (2018) Physician self-disclosure and vaccine-critical parents’ trust: Preparing medical students for parents’ difficult questions. Health Professions Education. |
Koski, K., Lehto, JT. & Hakkarainen, K. (2018) Simulated encounters with vaccine-hesitant parents: Arts-based video scenario and a writing exercise. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 5:1-9. |
Koski, K. & Holst, J. (2018) Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Vaccine Hesitancy: Developing Trust and Shifting Stereotypes. Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics, 9(1). 2155-9627-1000320 |
Koski, K. and Holst J. (2017) Exploring Vaccine Hesitancy Through an Artist-Scientist Collaboration: Visualizing Vaccine-Critical Parents’ Health Beliefs. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 14(3):411-426. |
Koski, K., Heyning, F. and Zwijnenberg, R. (2016) Collaborative meaning-making in arts-based research: Data interpretation with an artist, a physician, and an art historian. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 1(1):234-257. |
Koski, K. (2014) Anatomical self-portraits: observations, improvisations and elicitations in the medical school. Journal of Artistic Research, 6. |
Koski, K. (2014). Mapping the female reproductive system: Arts-based Inquiry of Medical Students’ Anatomy Drawings. Studies in Material Thinking, 10. SMT_V10_01.pdf |
Koski, K. (2013). As-if the patient were in the classroom: Video-based enquiry into the absent body in medical education, Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 4(2): 207–222. JAAH-KK.pdf |
Koski, K. (2011). Art portraying medicine. Journal of Research Practice, 7(1), Article P2. |
Koski, K. & Dunn, N. (2024) Introducing a night-blind peer-review: Palpating in the dark. Journal of Imaginary Research, 9. |
Koski, K. (2021). HUG. In Creativity and Cognition (C&C ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 48, 1. |
Koski, K. and Tikka, P. (2016). Editorial. Cinema and the Body, International Journal of Cinema, Vol. 2. |
Weijdom, J. and Koski, K. (2015). Media and Performance Laboratory: Learning by doing, making by playing, sharing by performing. ISEA 2015 Proceedings. ISEA2015_submission_56 |
Koski, K. (2012). Ethics and data collection in arts-based inquiry: Artist-researcher embedded in medical education. International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, 11. |
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Koski, K. (2011). Kunst als een platform voor ethische discussie. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs, 30(3): 106-108. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Houten. tmo-2011-106.pdf |
Koski, K. (2010). Performing an Avatar: Second Life Onstage. In: Bay-Cheng et al.(eds.): Mapping Intermediality and Performance. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 49-55. |
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Koski, K. (2004). Media Figures in Performative Space. Cumulus working papers. Publication Series G, University of Art and Design Helsinki pp. 38-42. |
Koski, K. (2003). Non-linear Storytelling in Environmental Installation. In: E. Kurki (ed.) Working Papers, UIAH Publications F25 University Press Helsinki. pp. 45-53. |
Koski, K. (2002). Meta-taideteos Väitöskirjana. [Meta-artwork as a dissertation] Kulttuurintutkimus, 19(4): 50-51. |
Koski, K. (2007). Augmenting Theatre: Engaging With the Content on Intermedial Stages of Performances and Installations. Doctoral dissertation, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi 236 p. Abstract & Table of contents |
Koski, K. (2000). Kinematografia teatterin osakielenä ja tilana: metatila näytelmässä Askeleet. [Cinematography as a language and space in theatre: meta-space in Footfalls.] Master’s thesis, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi |