Scenes of Disclosure (2017)

Standardized patients work with medical students to help them practice their clinical and interpersonal skills. This documentary explores the tension between standardization and authenticity that is involved in this work, particularly in “breaking bad news.” Ideally, such an encounter is authentic and empathic, yet the interaction is also a highly structured simulation governed by clinical protocols and checklists. In this film, standardized patients of McGovern Medical School portray distinct characters and repertoires of responses, while medical students learn to proceed according to a “breaking bad news” framework. In this film, the filmmaker explores how it feels to tell bad news in first-person.


In collaboration with Dr. Kirsten Ostherr at Rice University, and the University of Texas Medical School in Houston.

Sub-project in the Academy Research Fellow project (2015-2020) Video scenarios in medical education Thanks to Surgical and Clinical Skills Center at the University of Texas